Supporting & Promoting Ghana's Afforestation

Forest Plantation Development Fund was created to provide financial assistance for the development of private commercial forest plantations, the management of the fund and for matters related to the fund.

The The objective of the fund is provide:


(a) Financial assistance for the development of private forest plantation on lands suitable for commercial timber production


(b)   For research and technical advice to persons involved in commercial plantation forestry on specified conditions

Successes of the FPDF

The FPDF has so far been implemented by the Government of Ghana through the Forestry Commission and the Private Sector with strong community participation. The various components under which the programme has been implemented relate to funding sources and implementation strategy.

Forest Plantations
An estimated 180,000ha (80% public sector, 20% private sector) of forest plantations has been established at the end of the year 2014.
Variety of Tree Species
The species planted include Teak (Tectona grandis), Cedrela (Cedrela odorata) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) Ofram (Terminalia superba), Emire (Terminalia ivorensis) Mahogany (Khaya spp.) Wawa ( Triplochiton scleroxylon), Cassia (Senna siamea) etc.
Job Creation
Other achievements under the FPDF include massive job creation within the rural areas and increased food production through the adoption of agro-forestry systems in the establishment of plantations.

Current Project

Youth in Plantation Establishment as an Occupation

A Development Scheme Designed To Attract the Youth into Plantation as an Occupation Submitted by the Board Chairman for Consideration by the Board of Directors.

The Forest Plantation Development Fund Board (FPDFB) wants to apply part of its fund to support newly graduated unemployed Foresters to undertake forest plantation establishment as an occupation and own the plantations so established. The FPDFB was set up with the objective of providing financial assistance for the development of forest plantation on lands suitable for timber production amongst others.


The Fund Administrator

Ms Alberta Essuman

Ms Essuman holds an M.A in administration  and  management and has served as the administrator of the Fund for more than 17 years.

She leads a team of technical and other administrative personnel in carrying out the mandate of the Fund and achieving great return for both forestry owners and the nation as a whole.